saddle n. 1.马鞍;(脚踏车(自行车)等的)鞍。 2.(羊等的)带肋[脊]骨的肉。 3.鞍形架,鞍状物。 4.【地质学;地理学】鞍部;马鞍形山;鞍状构造。 5.【物理学】谐振曲线的凹谷。 6.【造船】圆枕木;【机械工程】凹座,轴鞍,鞍座板;滑动座架;滑板;锅炉座。 7.【电学】电线杆的托架;【建筑】浮桥的托梁;(门口的)踏板。 an axle saddle 【机械工程】轴鞍。 a cylinder saddle 鞍形汽缸座。 the Gr. S- (长江口外的)马鞍山群岛。 be at home in the saddle 善于骑马。 be cast out of the saddle 免职。 for the saddle (马)骑用的。 get into the saddle 骑上马;就职。 in the saddle 骑着马;在职;统辖着,控制着,掌着权。 lost the saddle 从马上摔下来。 put the saddle on the right [wrong] horse 1. 责备应该[不该]责备的人。 2. 夸奖应该[不该]夸奖的人。 vt. 1.加鞍,上鞍。 2.给背上,使负担(责任等)。 saddle sb. with a task 使某人担负某一任务。 adj. -less
Some one was snoring under the waggons, and saddled horses were standing round them munching oats 车下面有人在打呼噜,大车周围几匹备好鞍蹬的马正在嚼着燕麦。
Before moscow, repeated napoleon, and inviting m . de beausset, so fond of travel, to accompany him on his ride, he went out of the tent to the saddled horses awaiting them outside 拿破仑重复了一遍,然后邀请爱旅行的德波塞先生去散步,他走出帐篷,走向已备好的马。
In the half-dark they could see saddled horses, cossacks and hussars, rigging up shanties in the clearing, and building up a glowing fire in a hollow near, where the smoke would not be seen by the french 在暮色中可以看见备好鞍蹬的马,哥萨克和骠骑兵在林间空地上搭起窝棚,在林间凹地里为了不让法国人看见冒烟生起通红的火。
On reaching home pierre told his omniscient and omnipotent head-coachman, yevstafitch, who was known to all moscow, that he was going to drive that night to mozhaisk to the army, and gave orders for his saddle horses to be sent on there 一回到家,皮埃尔就吩咐他那无所不知无所不能闻名全莫斯科的车夫叶夫斯塔菲耶维奇,把他的几匹鞍马送到莫扎伊斯克,他当夜就要到那儿去参军。